Friday, December 28, 2007


We had a really nice Christmas as a family. It was a little busy, but that seems to be the way that this time of year is and it will probably stay that way since my sons are (or will be) born around Christmas.

We spent Christmas Eve with Dawson's family. Christmas day is a little bit busier. We start out as an immediate family - talking about the true meaning of Christmas and then exchanging gifts. My parents join us for breakfast and we exchange gifts with them. Then they head over to my sister's house and we follow shortly after to exchange gifts there and spend the rest of the day as a family. My sister hosts an Italian dinner - chicken parm, sausages and peppers, pasta, meatballs, and other delicious food! It is a fun two days for us, but we are definitely a little tired at the end of the day!

I am thankful that both sides of our family live so close to us so that we do not have to travel far to celebrate Christmas together.

An amusing thing that happened on Christmas morning...Brady had a great time opening presents. We opened our stocking gifts and then we were taking a break (to get breakfast started). Brady walked over to the tree (while we were not in the room) and was very quiet. Dawson decided to look in on him and found that he had opened two gifts! He did not totally understand that we were waiting to open the rest! The good thing was that he chose gifts that were his! It was somewhat amusing. So, we let him open up some more so that he could play with his new toys while we finished making breakfast.

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