Monday, August 17, 2009

Week #2 Theme: The Jungle

First of all, I would like to say that last week was fun, but I did realize that if you have something like VBS scheduled in the morning and nap time scheduled in the afternoon, it is hard to fit in the activities that I had planned on the specific days. However, we did have fun, the books that were suggested for us to read were great, and we just fit in the stuff that we missed on other days. The only thing that we did not do was the nursery rhyme and Brady did not want to color the letter A printout (so Smiles did it!), but I am really not too concerned about that. He already knows his letters, and he does know how to write the letter A.

This week we will be learning about the jungle, the color green, the letter B, the number 2, another nursery rhyme, and a new Bible verse! I have some more fun wood cutouts for Brady to color as well as some glue-ing for him to do! Over the weekend, he painted a ceramic lion - that was fun and also started out white, then he painted it completely brown and then changed it to completely black! :)

This will be interesting to see what we will be able to accomplish each week, but nap time is not as long as it used to be, so if we are out in the morning, I am going to try and do some of the activities with Brady after I put Smiles down for his nap.

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