Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Last Pear...

Yesterday, we decided that it was time to pick and shake the rest of the pears off of our tree. It is amazing how quickly pear season comes and goes. I actually think that waiting for the pears to be ready to pick was the hardest part and seemed to take a long time!

Now, we have over 100 pears that I need to do something with! So, last night, I was looking at recipes online - pear crisp, pear syrup, pear smoothies, and other delicious sounding recipes. I think that the hardest part of making these recipes is peeling, coring, and chopping the pears. However, the result is well worth it!

So, I am trying to enjoy every last bit of each pear that we have, because after they are gone, I will not eat another pear until next pear season - I am spoiled by my pear tree, and the ones in the supermarket cannot compare!

So, the next thing that we have been thinking about is planting a peach tree...because I LOVE peaches too!


The Gang's Momma! said...

You should post some of these recipes - you are making my mouth water with the discussions :) How bout that crostada recipe to start?

Kelli said...

OOOO...Peaches!! Susan and Brian planted a peach tree in their back yard. You'll have to tell me you you're going to do it because I would love to plant one in the new house. :)