Lately, I have felt really tired and a little worn out. I suppose that feeling is somewhat normal with having a 5 month old, a two year old, and getting to bed too late and getting up too early, but it is not the way that I like to live my daily life. I am sure that having the return of the ants in our kitchen did not help things either. It seems that every year in June, we have ants that find their way into our kitchen! This year, Dawson got rid of them very quickly. However, all of our pots and pans were taken out of the cabinets, and he took out some of the shelf liner off that I had down. So, I have to put new shelf liner down before I put the pots and pans back in there, and I just have not made the time to do, the pots and pans remain on my dining room for another day. I'll get the kitchen back in order this weekend - last weekend, we were "fighting" off the ants.
Well, this past Monday I was thinking about how Flylady uses Monday to do a Weekly Home Blessing Hour - which is not detailed cleaning, but she suggests that you do the following and spend about 10 minutes on each task: vacuum, dust, mop, clean mirrors and doors, purge magazines, change sheets, and empty all trash. I was sitting on my bed with the baby and thinking about how my house could really use this and my thoughts began to drift, swirl, and go in another direction.
The words refresh and renew came into my mind. I thought, oh yes, this is what I need and this is what my house needs too! My physical house that I live in definitely needs to be taken care of, cleaned and tidied up, but so does the spiritual and emotional part of me as well. So, I thought about how I need to start reading in the Word again - even if it is only one or two verses. I need the Holy Spirit to come and renew and refresh me daily. So, I have started reading in my Bible again and it is good. The Lord has also been showing me areas in my life that He desires to work in and change and bring all of the healing that I need. So, I am willing and I desire to be refreshed and renewed . I am thankful to be on this journey with my Lord.
As I was pondering some of this on Monday, the baby decided that my sheets also needed some refreshing...he spit up on it!
Such a good read...I needed that reminder.
Refreshing! :) YOu are so right. So very, very right.
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