Wednesday, May 20, 2009


As I walk around my house, things are screaming at me to: put things away, find homes for things that I am not sure where to put them yet, or just get rid of some things (yard sale, give away or just trash it).

My house is definitely not the way that I would like for it to be, but I have come to realize that I just have to work at one thing at a will soon be sorted out. In the meantime, I need to realize that my self worth and who I am as a mom, wife, woman and child of God is not dependent on whether the dishes are caught up, if all my papers are filed or all of the groceries are put away (although I will get to that in a minute) - who I am in Christ is what really matters.

However, I do want to continue to organize my house and to try and incorporate more things into my daily life and schedule (cleaning routines, etc). Motherhood is great, but it is a lot of work too! (so well worth it!)

I have begun reading a book called Professionalizing Motherhood, by Jill Savage, and it has really been ministering to me in many ways. It is a book that has been written to encourage SAHMs, and I am looking forward to sharing bits and pieces of it with you.


Tiffany said...

So well put. That was really encouraging. I needed to hear that this morning. Dishes, papers, groceries, laundry...right there with you sister.

I'd love to read that book along with you. I think I might take a trip to Borders.

Mrs. C said...

Good stuff sis.

Perspective is everything...well maybe not everything but it is very important.

queenmum said...

That's the spirit, read in between tasks. That's my kind of organization of time. Makes folding laundry, etc., more fulfilling and meaningful. Seriously.