Friday, March 14, 2008

Three was the Number of the Day

Although I do not know if Sesame Street would agree with me, the number of the day for me was the number three.

Today both of my sons pooped three times - yes, a short poop story. Three times is unusual for Brady - however, the cool thing about it was that after two of the times, he came over to me and told me that he went poopie. So, I am trying to encourage him to tell me that he needs to poop, before he does it so that he can do it on the potty - I would LOVE for him to do that!!! Pooping three times for my little baby is a very good thing. He should be pooping at every feeding like most nursing infants, but for some reason he has not been - and then he gets uncomfortable - poor little guy. So, I have been praying that he will relax and let it flow - so, I feel that it was an answer to prayer. I will keep praying about this!

Another thing that came in threes was the number of visitors that we had today. We had a nice visit from Nanny, Grammie and my special friend Classic Mama. They all came at different times, so it was really nice to spend special time with each of them. Thank you all for visiting with us! Sometimes I can feel a little isolated from society - with only having one working car. So, it was nice to have people come over to see all of us - you are all so special to our family. I would have to say that this was the most fun "3" of the day! :)

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