Saturday, March 8, 2008

I Love A Great Deal!

I was so excited on my drive home from CVS today - they had a razor there that I wanted (I called before I went - it is only about one mile from my house, so it is not a far drive). I saved SO much money and I did not have to use ECB this time at all...but I earned some!

So, this is what happened today:

9.99 Venus Embrace Razor
2.99 Colgate toothpaste
0.99 Johnson's easy grip soap for kids
0.50 Johnson's easy grip soap for kids (they were buy one get one 50% off)
0.99 Johnson's easy grip soap for kids
0.50 Johnson's easy grip soap for kids
$15.96 (+ tax on all but the toothpaste) TOTAL before coupons
-5.00 CVS coupon (save $5 when you spend $15)
-4.00 Razor coupon
-1.50 toothpaste coupon
-1.00 soap coupon
-1.00 soap coupon
-1.00 soap coupon
-0.96 soap coupon (could only be this amount since the original price of the soaps were 0.99)
$1.48 New Total

*I paid this total "out of pocket" because my least amount of ECBs was $2.99 and I did not want to buy anything else this evening.

**ECB received tonight = $8.99!!!

I do enjoy saving money and this is sort of like a "game" in a sense. I am looking forward to the CVS circular for next week - I hope there are some good sales and ECBs back!

One key thing that I look for is an item that the sale price and the amount of ECBs that you get back is equal - so in essence, you get this free. In order to continue to increase the amount of ECBs that you have, you need to then find a manufacturer's coupon - which I have done. So, for the toothpaste that I purchased tonight, I really only paid $1.49 for it, but received $2.99 ECBs back for it. So, I am getting a lot more for my money! I am going to continue to do this and then with my ECBs, I can purchase things like diapers, toilet paper, or whatever else I need - that will help me save money all the way around.

We will see how this little adventure goes as I continue to have "fun" and stretch the money that God has given to us.

If you plan on joining me in this, I would love to hear how you are doing with your deals. Or, if you have other ways that you stretch your money, I would love to hear about that too!


Livin' Life said...

Wow you are so impressive!! I am totally not math oriented, I guess that's because of my dyslexia. I am so impressed that you can calculate all of that. You are one cool mama.

I am just happy to get out of the store under budget.:)

Emily said...

How did you know about the Johnson's soap? TCC told me that you found it on another website/blog. I have spent all morning looking, but haven't found it yet. Please tell me your secret.

Kacie said...

Isn't CVS incredible? I'm glad you decided to give CVSing a try!

Pretty soon, you'll have a nice stash of supplies.

Thanks for commenting on my blog!

Trish said...

More power to you - maybe after we get through the next couple of months I will give it a try. I did want to say that I got a 12-pack of Coke at our neighborhood CVS for $2.75 today with my card, which was pretty nice, since I was going to buy it either way.

Anonymous said...

This is such a good idea! I really need to check into it when I have more time....hopefully this summer when I am off school.
Thanks for the savings tips, I always enjoy a good deal!