Monday, September 8, 2008

Brady and The Butterfly

Brady enjoys being outside - running around, carrying around sticks, looking at ants, crickets or whatever insect is around to look at, blowing and chasing bubbles, playing at playgrounds, etc.

Yesterday, my parents were over eating lunch with us outside on our new-to-us picnic table. Brady was all done eating and asked if he could be play - so, we let him run around while we finished eating.

We noticed that he we chasing a butterfly. As we were commenting on how cute it was, we suddenly see that he has a long stick in his hand and he starts to whack his stick at the butterfly! We started to crack up...I guess boys will be boys! (And don't worry, the butterfly was not hurt at all!)


Krazy Klingers said...

Laney does that too. I wonder if she will be a tomboy because she loves bugs but she does love her shoes and purses!

Trish said...

That's too funny! Never a dull moment, huh?